REPOST: Improving university teaching, learning theory, and curriculum design

This post relates to my study of CCK11.

I found an article I wrote two years ago regarding improving university teaching, learning theories and instructional (curriculum) design while studying instructional design through UManitoba.  I thought it was relevant to my current study of CCK11, and so am reposting so that it would be included in the CCK11 daily.

While reposting this article, I’ll also link to a more recent blog post I wrote postulating whether learning theories is too much naval-gazing.  In particular, David Jones‘ comments were pertinent to the discussion in my opinion.

Hopefully someone will find this interesting/useful. 🙂


2 thoughts on “REPOST: Improving university teaching, learning theory, and curriculum design

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  1. Thanks for the re-post. I skimmed over your previous blog post and noticed the discussion on the importance of reflection. I encountered this term (called “reflective assessment”) in Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers by Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross. I see this call for reflection as closely aligned with the findings in the deliberate practice research (importance of deliberate, reflective practice in becoming expert at something rather than a reliance on innate talent.) See Why Talent is Overrated ( to learn more about this topic.

    1. Hi Alicia,

      An aspect of learning that I had not considered previously. I tend to agree that you don’t have to have a god given “talent” to be good at something. But I also think through my own life experiences that there are some things that come more naturally to me than others. In the spirit of human efficiency, you could suggest that we focus more on what we feel we excel at as it will be a shorter or easier path. Whether that turns out to be the care, you would never know, applying the butterfly effect to life decision-making.

      Thanks Alicia for taking the time to comment on my blog. 🙂

      Considering the butterfly effect, it is difficult to know

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